These are often more subscription-driven variants where you, for example, have to take out a subscription to read the entire article in order to get behind a paywall. But the problem with this solution is that as a subscriber you can make a printscreen of it Whatsapp Number List and still share it with a large group that does not pay for this . And they are now going to do something about it, that is no longer allowed. And actually it's crazy that we say "it's no longer allowed" because it was never allowed.
It is laid down in the Copyright Act as follows in Article 1: Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator of a work of literature, science Whatsapp Number List or art, or of its successors in title, to make it public and reproduce it, subject to the restrictions imposed by law. Stack of newspapers Share the end of articles for free What is new is that publishers will invoke this right. As a result, it is no longer possible to share articles that are behind a wall.
I fully understand that publishers do this. In the first place it is their right, but in addition it is a product and you have to pay for it just like Whatsapp Number List for other products. Because without money to pay editors there is no news and background articles cannot be made. So to ensure that we can all continue to enjoy good content made by good journalists and where facts are checked, we will have to pay.