A tragic example of this dynamic is whatsapp phone number list Ciudad Juárez, a Mexican town on the US border where 400 women workers in the maquiladora industries were murdered between 1994 and 2004.eleven. Thus, for many Latin whatsapp phone number list American women, borders constitute a "dialectic of opportunity." There they find the possibility of solving their overloads, but these possibilities imply a picture of violations and violence that are difficult to solve.12. However, the studies agree that women have a very whatsapp phone number list important role in these territories as active agents of resistance and personal, family and community empowerment.
Kinship work and other whatsapp phone number list care work performed by them also constitute (contradictorily) a form of female agency. Returning once again to Anzaldúa, on the borders, the women are wounded, but whatsapp phone number list resisting . Here it is important to underline that the social experiences of these women do not constitute a willful work: they do not depend solely on their desire, their conscience or their effective action. Her agency, her ability to act on her social environment, is framed by the whatsapp phone number list structuring of this same context.
This implies recognizing whatsapp phone number list that border women effectively act by determining their own history, but through mechanisms that are eminently contradictory: «in the daily production of goods and meanings, they give whatsapp phone number list in and protest, reproduce and seek to transform their situation»13. Crossroad The crisis triggered by the covid-19 pandemic has transformative consequences for mobility across the planet, reorganizing economic circulation, the geopolitics of nation-states, and the role that whatsapp phone number list border areas play in relation to these two elements.